MEET the creators of Broadway Collective 

Ann Marlin’s cumulative background in hospitality, event planning, and real estate served as the genesis of the design mentality behind Broadway Collective. Hailing from a family of entrepreneurs and working with small Denver businesses for the past 20 years, she is a champion of the solopreneur and small business community. Broadway Collective's aesthetic itself is derived from needing and wanting to feel invigorated by her inventive surroundings. The Collective was designed in a way of forward-thinking and inspiring spaces that cultivate creativity and productivity where business can converge, collaborate, and succeed. In turn, people working within the space feel that passion, fuel that drive and forge ahead with productive results.

The Marlins together have been in Colorado for more than twenty years and enjoy raising their three teenagers.


Derek’s adventures in real estate started back in 2009 after an exciting career in sports marketing with the Denver Broncos and CBS television. He started buying rental properties and added property redevelopment (aka Fix & Flip) six years later. In true entrepreneurial spirit, Derek founded the ELEVATION Academy which teaches others to flip the “ELEVATION Way” and launched Raising the Flipping Bar, a podcast dedicated to all things Fix & Flip! He’s led and managed more than $150+ million in profitable projects in Denver and Cincinnati. 

His company specializes in the ELEVATION Partnership Flip, property redevelopment, the ELEVATION Academy, and sourcing single family rentals for large institutions. Derek loves breathing new life into properties and creating full circle value for his employees, business partners, as well as buyers and sellers of investment real estate.


broadway collective

Broadway Collective was created out of the necessity of our expanding companies. We are firm believers in investing in ourselves and wanted to create an intimate space where we can invest in other business owners and entrepreneurs. Our love of breathing new life into spaces was immediately realized when the “Martin Building” became available. Since our last name is Marlin, finding this building with our name on it was meant to be! 

Blending our affinity for both Mid-Mod and Art Deco architecture offers this space as the palette for Ann’s creative background to shine though in every detail of Broadway Collective. We look forward to our members feeling the same sense of belonging that we did when the Collective was “born” in 2022.